Monday, June 29, 2009

Word and Deed Ministries
P.O. Box 2562 Shaker Hts. OH 44120

Dear Christian Friends,
What an opportunity we have in Liberia and Ghana West Africa right now.
As many of you know, I have traveled to Africa three times over the last five years. I have seen the Lord move in miraculous ways, and have come to know many evangelists and pastors personally. These are men and women who have been faithful to preach the gospel in their region and have taken seriously the words of Jesus, “… and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

On my last trip to Ghana, Isaac Afful and Isaac Kuranchie, two Ghanaian evangelists, took me to a village a couple of hours from the capital city. We preached the gospel and many of the people were saved, some healed and some delivered from evil spirits BUT THIS IS NOT ENOUGH! It has been the experience of these evangelists that the converts soon go back to their witch doctors and idol worship. They have never known anything else but this lifestyle. These precious people need regular teaching, Bibles and Christian literature in their own languages.

The Isaacs and many other ministers are ready and very willing to dedicate much of their time traveling into these villages to teach, train and establish churches, raising up other workers to go out and do the same.

The fields are ripe but without our help the nationals can not go forward
Please help! Please start today!

I will support an evangelist monthly $100.00 []
I will help support an evangelist monthly $50.00 [] $25 [] Other []
I would like to feed a small village each month $150.00 []

Tools for evangelistic outreaches
Transportation costs $100.00 [] Other []
Bibles $25.00 []
Musical instruments $20.00 [] Generator $150.00 [] Other []
Large screen T.V. $130.00 [] Other [] Christian movies $20.00 []